Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

Born This Way

This cases happen in Liberal Democratic country when the existence of LGBTQ couple is legalizing by their government and can be accepted as the normal activity around the society. And also they are very uphold the idea of human right for every single people.   Talking about LGBTQ (Lebian, Bisex, Gay, Transgender, and Questioning) couple also talking about right of the people to have a love with everyone. Because we never know with whom we can love.
Now after legalize LGBT the are a lot of LGBT movement to showing up their existence. On how they begin to be brave to have a marriage, or even just engage in front of the people that they cann’t do this before. So, after making this kind of policy, easily open the society’s mindset that LGBT is also a part of citizen. There is no such kind of reason for the society to refuse the LGBT itself.
Now our world becoming boom with ‘Born This Way’ campaign that introducing by Lady Gaga’s song at the early time. This campaign talk about how basicly they as the LGBT is their genetic deliverance. They are borned to be LGBT, so willy-nilly we as a part of society have to support this kind of action as a form of appreciation. It’s also announce that as LGBT have to be respected by another people like the society never do that for them.

Of couse this this thing is bring beneficial of LGBT couple and also for the other organization that inline with LGBT’s opinion. But some kind of people reject this action, especially come from ‘Gay Right Movement’. They don’t agree with ‘Born This Way’ ideology. They prefer to choose that they as a gay is their choices not as the genetic deliverance. We can’t simply say that every single thing that adhere in or body is genetic deliverance, because most likely we have right now is a part of our done before. There are a lot of reason why we are LGBT.
First think first, if we wanna make ‘Born This Way’ campaign. It will never bring strength for them. But in opposite, it will showing up their weakness. Why we say it ?? Because under the reason of birth lottery, it means that we ask a special treatment from the society. And also we asking for all thing that we want have to be answered, because this is genetical deliverance. This is so bad. And ‘Gay Right Movement’ don’t want to be happen, because they wanna be like the another people that have a same chance to having loving love.
The biggest reason why they are becoming gay is about the imitation. Imitation is contribute much more people do gay. They common with this situation, and after that make them become comfort to do that. On how in the end this kind of condition can become their behavior and habituation in their life. Imitation also near with environment aspect, especially for the family. The biggest time in their life per day is spend for their family. And environment also help to build their character. It means that the issense of imitation is can bring very big influence for the development of people.
And after that is trauma factor. Trauma also can bring impact for people’s future. On how they become gay is under the reason that they are hate with their oppose sex or the other. Let’s take an example, if there is a boy in a family. Their parents was divorce, he just live with his father. Moreover his mother is never face him again, never taking care him again, is like she forget his boy. This boy’s mindset think that all of woman is bad. And in the end make him becoming gay. It proven how dangerous of trauma effect for the people.
By that all of explanation, it show to us hoe actually there is no such kind of genetic deliverance for LGBT’s background. All of this is external aspect that influence their day. Even if they have a genetic deliverance, but this is just a little percent to face it. Most likely reason is about external aspect. Moreover external aspect is bigger than birth lottery. Even if again, ‘Born This Way’ campaign is inline with ‘Gay Right Movement’ ideology but this is still okay to refuse them. Because it prove that ‘Born This Way’ campaign is deviate.
So that’s why, the ‘Gay Right Movement’ shold make a public denounciation upon ‘Born This Way’ campaign

By : SAM98 (February 13rd, 2016)

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